
Our Llamas


Our llamas reside in the barn and pastures not far from the house. Llamas, indigenous to South America are traditionally used as pack animals, for meat, fiber, and, in some cases, as guards over other livestock. Llama fiber is much softer than sheep’s wool and is naturally lanolin free. Currently we have three llamas whose names are Eboni, Abella, and Twinkle. All of our llamas are registered with the International Llama Registry.



Eboni was born in Perry County, Ohio and moved to the Wildwood Inn in 2004 when she was 6 months old. As a young llama, she had black fiber from head to toe but turned gray as she matured. She is a curious and gentle llama, one of the first to greet newcomers to the Inn. Her ancestors are from Chile.




Born in Ohio, she, too, is curious and likes to be around people, particularly children. She has brown fiber with a small white star on her forehead and came to the Wildwood Inn in 2006. Some of her ancestors were from Bolivia.




Twinkle is our oldest and shyest girl. She will stay in the background or in the barn when the other llamas are greeting visitors. She has wonderful white and brown fiber. Abella and Twinkle came to our farm in 2006.